family empowerment

The use of cartoons is the simplest way to convey a message to a simple or illiterate reader who cannot read.

Therefore, we use the cartoons for blogging in the family empowerment Campaign, aims to strengthen families by providing resources and support to enhance their economic and social well-being.

Many of the drawings explaining the issue have been implemented in a simplified and powerful way for many government agencies and civil society organizations " NGO ".

استخدام الرسوم هي أبسط وسيلة لايصال رسالة لقارئ بسيط أو أمي لا يجيد القراءة لذلك نوظف الرسوم للتدوين خلال عشان ولادكم احسبوها صح الخاصة برفع الوعي لتحسين حياة الأسرة.

تم تنفيذ العديد من الرسوم التي تناقش القضايا المختلفة بشكل مبسط وقوي لصالح العديد من الهيئات الحكومية ومنظمات المجتمع المدني 

family empowerment

This initiative aims to strengthen families by providing resources and support to enhance their economic and social well-being. It includes educational programs, financial assistance, and community services to help families achieve self-sufficiency and stability. The goal is to foster resilient, healthy families that contribute positively to society.

Campaign Illustrations

The campaign illustrations are based on the Egyptian folkloric technique, which is a local art form very familiar to ordinary citizens.

The poster features a family of four sailing on a boat in the Nile. The father is fishing with a net, symbolizing his struggle to earn a living. The mother is steering the boat, representing her role as a leader in the family. The daughter is reading, and the son is carrying a school backpack and holding a toy, both of which symbolize the importance of education and a healthy childhood.

The design also includes several other symbols relevant to the campaign's message. The blue hand, for example, is a traditional Egyptian symbol of protection. The eye represents knowledge and wisdom. The fish, often used in Egyptian art to represent fertility, symbolize the importance of planning one's family size. The pigeon tower, a distinctive feature of the Egyptian landscape, represents peace and harmony. The oriental shapes and icons reflect the country's rich cultural heritage. The sun, of course, is a symbol of life and hope.

The overall design is both beautiful and thought-provoking. It is a reminder that raising children is a sacred responsibility and that every child deserves to be born into a loving and supportive family. The campaign's message is clear: for the sake of your children, count it right.

As a crucial element of the campaign, a thorough press report was carefully put together. This report included a moving conversation with a young laborer, providing a glimpse into his life, the tough difficulties he faces while working, and the daily dangers he deals with, including the ever-present risk of accidents. The story also highlighted his unwavering determination to earn a small income to help his family and follow his educational dreams. The report was enhanced with powerful illustrations and cartoons used by journalists to strengthen the story's impact.

Another impactful report was carried out, this time focusing on a young girl involved in gathering cotton crops. In a sincere interview, she openly discussed her challenging ordeals in the fields, revealing the difficulties she encounters on a daily basis. Despite her hardships, she expressed her aspirations of becoming a doctor and her strong desire for a more promising future.

Against Children Labor Campaign This short film, produced by cartoonist Sameh Samir in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Ministry of Solidarity of Egypt, aims to raise awareness of child labor and highlight the suffering of affected children and their right to a better life.