
Sameh Samir
Sameh Samir - Contributed to the International Cartoon Contest "Golden Hat" in Knokke Heist, Belgium, in 2022.
Sameh Samir With "Kal " the amazing cartoonist of The Economist

With "Kal " the amazing cartoonist of The Economist

Sameh Samir With cartoonist "Ann Telnaes" in The Washington Post

With cartoonist "Ann Telnaes" in The Washington Post

Sameh Samir With cartoonist "Matt Wuerker" in Politico magazine office

With cartoonist "Matt Wuerker" in Politico magazine office

Sameh samir - "Enjoying a memorable day with fellow Arab cartoonists at the iconic Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Celebrating art and friendship on this incredible journey."

"Enjoying a memorable day with fellow Arab cartoonists at the iconic Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Celebrating art and friendship on this incredible journey."